Teaching International Topics: Call for Papers

April 6, 2010

The journal of Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis (formerly Analytic Teaching) seeks article submissions that explore the ethical/pedagogical/philosophical difficulties with teaching international topics in higher education. Although introducing students to international topics, such as regional conflicts in foreign countries, political policies of non-Western states, and economic disparities in developing nations, is recognized as an important part of higher education, many smaller rural universities still have a largely homogeneous student body and faculty, with little ethnic/cultural diversity. How does one effectively teach students/train faculty to respectfully explore complicated cultural/socio-political issues beyond their range of experience or familiarity? We welcome papers that explore such issues from a philosophical/pedagogical/ ethical perspective. Some possible topics for consideration include:

· What are some faculty challenges in teaching culturally sensitive/international topics?
· What does it mean to be ‘culturally competent?’
· How should we address the invisible problem of cultural bias?
· What is cultural tolerance and how should we teach it?
· What counts as a foreign or developing country?
· What are some ethical implications of teaching what is not fully understood?
· What is the real value of study-abroad programs and can this be assessed?
· How can we judge ways of life that we do not understand?
· Can local culture and custom justify oppression?

Direct submissions to: Dr. Jason J. Howard, Editor, Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, Viterbo University, e-mail: .

Submissions should follow a standardized reference format (Chicago manual of style- format references as endnotes or APA or MLA). Articles should be approximately 4000-8000 words, e-mailed as a word document or RTF, and prepared for ‘blind-review’ (with author’s name and institutional affiliation appearing on a separate page).

The deadline for article submissions is September 1. Accepted articles should appear in Vol. 33 of Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis in the spring of 2011.

Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis (ATPP) is an on-line, peer-reviewed, academic journal published out of Viterbo University (La Crosse, WI) dedicated to exploring the deeper philosophical, political, and ethical implications of education. It can be accessed at .