Philosophy for Children Mini-Conference: Call for Papers

January 10, 2010

The Pacific American Philosophical Association Mini-Conference on Philosophy for Children will take place in conjunction with the Pacific APA meeting of 2011, to be held in San Diego, California. Attendance is open to anyone attending the Pacific APA meetings.

The Mini-Conference will be a two-day event (likely April 20-21), and will include a wide range of invited speakers (Tom Wartenberg, Claudia Mills, David Kennedy, Rob Fischer, Maughn Gregory, David Shapiro, Wendy Turgeon, Sara Goering, Lynne Hinton, Megan Laverty, and Jana Mohr Lone) and a special demonstration session with local school children, run by Gareth Matthews. Several sessions will be reserved for submitted papers.

Papers on any aspect of doing philosophy with pre-college students are welcome, as are contributions from teachers as well as professors. Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit papers. We warmly welcome contributions from scholars and educators outside the United States in recognition of the truly global nature of this enterprise.

Papers will be blind refereed and authors will be informed whether their papers have been accepted by October 1, 2010.

Papers should be no longer than 3,500 words (12 standard pages) and must be submitted by email attachment no later than July 1, 2010. Please mail your paper to . Any inquiries may also be sent to that address.

For more information, consult the conference website: