June 2010 University of Montana Ethics Teaching Seminar
March 22, 2010
Theory and Skills of Ethics Teaching Seminar
University of Montana-Missoula
June 14-18
University of Montana-Missoula will offer its ever-popular Theory and Skills of Ethics Teaching seminar, June 14-18. Course cost is still less than $1000 and may be taken for 3 graduate credits (which may be transferred to one’s home institution). Limited enrollment.
The course is appropriate for those teaching ethics in traditional and non-traditional settings, along with graduate students who plan to teach ethics.
The seminar is taught by Deni Elliott, author of Ethics in the First Person and Ethical Challenges: A Workbook. Dr. Elliott is the previous director of UM’s Ethics Center and now holds the Poynter Jamison Chair in Media Ethics and Press Policy at the University of South Florida. Please contact UM’s Ethics Center, www.umt.edu/ethics or Deni Elliott () for further information.